ZAGREB, Jan 23 (Hina) - Today's VJESNIK leads with an article
headlined "Tudjman: End of the UNPROFOR Mandate Is Definitive" on
the Croatian president's interview with the German weekly "Der
"President Tudjman said Croatia would not refrain from using
force, if necessary, to return its occupied areas. He expressed
confidence that in that event there would be no war with Serbia,"
Vjesnik says.
The paper includes an interview with Leila Viteskic of the
Sarajevo Institute for Crimes Against Humanity and International
Law. More than 40,000 women have been raped in Bosnia-Herzegovina
as a result of premeditated violence, according to Viteskic.
The other Zagreb-based daily, VECERNJI LIST, also dedicates
its front page to President Tudjman's interview with Der Spiegel.
"Pressure on Milosevic Still Not Strong Enough" is the
headline of an interview with Zvonimir Markovic, head of the
Croatian Office in Belgrade. "Croatia is close to its recognition.
(...) President Tudjman has made a good move by terminating the
UNPROFOR mandate. It is expected that the clock hands will move
faster," Markovic said.
(hina) mm vm
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