ZAGREB, Jan 24 (Hina - '(Parliament) Members Expect New Ministers'
is a lead headline in today's issue of VECERNJI LIST covering a
report on the forthcoming sessions of both houses of parliament.
"Members will be presented with a number of interesting
proposals on acts, but the sessions are likely to be dominated by
debates on a report on the termination of the UNPROFOR mandate,"
the article says.
VECERNJI LIST includes a comment piece by Nenad Ivankovic,
under the headline 'The Milosevic Dilemma', which refers in part to
an interview given by Croatian President Franjo Tudjman to the
German paper 'Der Spiegel'.
There are also interviews with the two mayors of Mostar (one
representing the eastern part of the city and the other the
western) Safet Orucevic and Mijo Brajkovic respectively. The theme
is the first six months of the EU Administration of the city.
Today's VJESNIK carries a front page report headlined 'Zupanja
under General Alert for One Thousand Days'. The article refers to
Bosnian Serb artillery attacks on eastern Slavonia. More than
85,000 shells have been fired at the Zupanja area since April 29,
'Still Divided and Uncertain' is the headline of an article by
a Mostar correspondent on the first six months of the European
Administration of Mostar.
The paper also includes a comment piece on the IMF's attitude
towards the stabilisation of the Croatian economy and says: "The
new linking of serious financial solutions and transactions to
March 31 when the UNPROFOR mandate ends, is no coincidence, but it
could aggravate the start of a planned comprehensive post-war
reconstruction - and no one would benefit from this."
(hina) mar sd mms
241121 MET jan 95
PH, skijanje: Dora Ljutić i Samuel Kolega slalomski prvaci
Kompletna teniska elita prijavljena za početak zemljanog dijela sezona
RH spremna povećati investicije u obranu, traži koordinaciju među članicama EU-a
Većina Mirexa u minusu
Zapadni vojni dužnosnici sastali se bez SAD-a kako bi Ukrajini pokazali jedinstvo
Ukrajina tvrdi da je pogodila naftna postrojenja u Rusiji
Brazil pomaže poljoprivrednicima punjenjem zaliha
Pariz-Nica: Vismi ekipni kronometar, Jorgenson u vodstvu
Litva obilježava 35. godišnjicu neovisnosti
Mato Devčić kandidat HDZ-a za gradonačelnika Križevaca