GENEVA, Dec 5 (Hina) - A two-day meeting aimed at finding new ways
of economic cooperaton in southeastern Europe opened in Geneva on
The United States, which has organized the meeting, has
invited representatives of 11 countries - Albania, Bosnia-
Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Macedonia,
Moldavia, Romania, Slovenia and Turkey - to attend.
An invitation has also been sent to the Yugoslav federation of
Serbia and Montenegro but was later withdrawn over Belgrade's
decision to annul the results of municipal elections.
The Croatian delegation is headed by Assistant Foreign
Minister Spomenka Cek.
The meeting has been organized by the US president-appointed
head of the "Initiative for Cooperation in Southeastern Europe"
project, US Ambassador to the UN in Geneva Richard Schiffer.
The project has been designed to find new ways of economic
cooperation, which will stimulate foreign investments in the
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051244 MET dec 96
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