GRAZ, Nov 9 (Hina) - One of Croatia's strategic goals is to take
an active part in the process of European integration, Prime
Minister Zlatko Matesa said in the Austrian town of Graz on
European Union member states are Croatia's most important
economic partners so that its wish to join Euro-Atlantic
organizations, primarily the European Union, NATO and the Western
European Union, is natural, Matesa said in his address to a
plenary session of prime ministers and foreign ministers of
Central European Initiative member states.
Croatia wants to intensify negotiations with Central
European countries on its admission to the Central European Free
Trade Association because it sees prospects for its development
in links with the markets of these countries as well as with
European Union markets, he said.
Matesa emphasized the role of the Central European
Initiative as a mechanism for establishing closer ties between
its members states and the European Union.
(hina) vm
091243 MET nov 96
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