THE HAGUE, Oct 9 (Hina) - The International Criminal Tribunal for
former Yugoslavia in The Hague has rejected a motion by Bosnian
Moslem Zejnil Delalic over defects in the form of the indictment,
the tribunal said on Wednesday.
Delalic's attorney, Edina Residovic, filed a motion on
August 20 claiming that the indictment was "vague, undefined,
contradictory and ungrounded" and that it was "factually
According to the indictment, Delalic, former commander of
the Celebici detention camp, did nothing to prevent crimes
against Serb inmates of the camp.
The tribunal said in a statement that the indictment
"articulates each charge specifically and separately".
The tribunal concluded that "whether or not the allgegations
listed in the indictment are true ultimately will be determined
at trial."
(hina) vm
091315 MET oct 96
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