SARAJEVO, Sept 25 (Hina) - International war crimes tribunal
investigators have so far found between 400 and 500 bodies buried
in mass graves in eastern Bosnia-Herzegovina, UN spokesman
Alexander Ivanko told a news conference in Sarajevo on Wednesday.
Ivanko added that exhumations, which began in July, would be
suspened until next year because of worsening weather conditions.
Two days ago teams of experts from the Hague-based
International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia ended
exhumations of mass graves at Cerska, Nova Kasaba, Lazeta and
Pilice. However, an investigation in a cemetery outside Kalesija
would continue for few more days.
Ivanko said that there was evidence that the mass grave at
Pilice, where about 140 bodies had been recovered, had been
opened earlier and that whole skeletons or parts of them had been
taken out.
Tribunal investigators could not confirm the exact number of
bodies because the victims, believed to be Bosnian Moslems from
Srebrenica, had been dumped into mass graves where their remains
were completely mixed up.
A Bosnian government team of investigators has discovered
another mass grave in the Nova Kasaba area, containing 33 bodies.
Ivanko said that it would take a lot of effort to identify
those victims because identification documents had been found
only on two of them.
(hina) vm
251303 MET sep 96
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