SARAJEVO, 10 Sept (Hina) - Experts of the Hague War Crimes Tribunal
yesterday completed the exhumation of a mass grave near the eastern
Bosnian town of Srebrenica. The Hague experts had exhumed 120
bodies at the Lazete location, said UN spokesman in Sarajevo,
Alexander Ivanko.
Ivanko did not comment on the course of the exhumation, but he
confirmed that the Hague experts would continue investigating the
area of eastern Bosnia which is supposed to hide the sites of mass
killings of Bosniacs, who were killed by the Bosnian Serb forces in
July 1995, after the fall of the U.N. protected area of Srebrenica.
The Hague investigators will continue their work in the
village of Pilice (some 80 km northeast of Sarajevo) today.
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