THE HAGUE, Sept 12 (Hina) - The International Criminal Tribunal for
former Yugoslavia said in a statement on Thursday it would reach a
decision in the case of Bosnian Croat officer Ivica Rajic on
Rajic was indicted in August 1995 on charges of grave breaches
and violations of the laws and customs of war which had been
committed by Croatian Defence Council (HVO) forces under his
command in the areas of Kiseljak, Kresevo and Vares in central
Bosnia in October 1993.
HVO units under Rajic's command "attacked and razed the
mostly-Moslem village of Stupni Do, located about 10 km from Vares,
on 23 October 1993. At least 16 civilians were killed and the
remainder of the villagers were forced to flee their homes."
On April 2 and 3, 1996 some of the evidence supporting Rajic's
indictment was presented to the tribunal and testimonies of five
eyewitnesses were heard.
The tribunal's Trial Chamber decided on May 2 to postpone its
decision in the case to allow the prosecution to file additional
"Should the Trial Chamber decide to uphold the indictment
against Rajic, it will reconfirm his indictment, issue an
international arrest warrant against him, and may request the
President to notify the Security Council of the failure of any
relevant States to cooperate with the Tribunal," the statement
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