SARAJEVO, Oct 2 (Hina) - The Standing Committee of the Council for
the Implementation of the Peace Agreement in Bosnia-Herzegovina on
Wednesday discussed in Sarajevo the situation in BH and the
preparations for the municipal elections, but reached no conclusion
as to the elections' date.
The decision on that was up to the provisional election
commission, high representative for the implementation of the Peace
Agreement Carl Bildt told a press conference after today's meeting.
The Standing Committee is constituted by representatives of
most west-European countries, as well as the United States, Russia
and Japan, the European Union and the Islam Conference
Organization, and was ready, according to Bildt, to support the
decision of the provisional election commission, whatever it might
The Standing Committee members are of the opinion that the
municipal elections can be held only if standards higher than
during the 14 September elections are provided.
(hina) ha jn
022123 MET oct 96
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