SARAJEVO, Sept 5 (Hina) - International Community High
Representative for the Implementation of the Peace Agreement in
Bosnia-Herzegovina Carl Bildt would on Friday meet with NATO
Secretary General Javier Solana and European Union high officials
for talks on measures to undertake for the duration of the Bosnian
elections and the time immediately following them, Bildt's
spokesman in Sarajevo Colum Murphy said on Thursday.
That would also be the main topic of a meeting of the Contact
Group of Western Countries and Russia to take place in Frankfurt,
Germany, on Saturday, Murphy said.
He dismissed the possibility that those talks represented an
introduction to a possible revision of the Dayton Agreement.
Murphy also stressed that the talks would not provide the
possibility for a discussion on the secession of any part of BH.
"This would mean war, and we won't allow that", he said.
(hina) ha jn
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