LONDON, Sept 18 (Hina) - Croatia has not been invited to attend an
international conference on assistance to Bosnia-Herzegovina in the
field of law enforcement, Croatian Ambassador to Ireland, Ante
Cicin-Sain, said on Wednesday.
The UN-sponsored conference is to be held in Dublin on
September 27 and 28, the Irish Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday
in a statement.
The conference will be co-chaired by the UN undersecretary for
peace-keeping, Koffi Annan, and international peace coordinator
Carl Bildt.
The conference will be attended by representatives of 41
countries, including EU members, the United States and other
countries which participate in the International Police Task Force,
and by representatives of international organisations.
The conference is aimed at raising funds for the restructuring
of police forces in both Bosnian entities.
(hina) jn as
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