SARAJEVO, Aug 30 (Hina) - U.S. Assistant Secretary of State John
Kornblum on Friday said that the United States would continue in
their efforts whose aim was the strengthening of the Croatian-
Bosniak federation, for which the implementation of the Geneva
agreement of 15 August on the transfer of authority from the
Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Croatian Republic of Herzeg-
Bosnia to authorities in the Federation was of key importance.
"Our aim is the establishment of an integral federal structure
for which it is of equal importance to put out all functions of
Herzeg-Bosnia and transfer those authorities from the Republic of
BH which are not in accordance with the Dayton Constitution to the
Federation", Kornblum told a press conference in Sarajevo after the
session of the Federation Forum.
Answering a question on the fate of Herzeg-Bosnia, Kornblum
said that it ceased to function lawfully on 31 August, while all
"technical" matters in this respect would be solved by 15
He confirmed that he was acquainted with opinions of Croat
officials in BH that in the future Herzeg-Bosnia would function as
a cultural or some such union of Croats, but pointed out that this
was not discussed within the Forum. Kornblum added that this would
not be a problem if Federation authorities function as agreed.
It was stated at the Forum that both sides had fulfilled most
of the obligations undertaken in Geneva, Kornblum said, adding that
the majority of the decisions had been reached by consensus.
Earlier today Kornblum met with representatives of Republika
Srpska and the Banja Luka opposition whom he told clearly that the
Dayton Agreement must be implemented fully.
"The continuity and integrity of BH is one of the bases of the
Dayton Agreement and I have warned politicians in the Serb entity
that no secession will be allowed after elections", Kornblum said,
adding that entities would have no sovereignty and only the
preservation of identity of a people within BH would be allowed.
Kornblum concluded by saying that on election day all
incidents must be prevented, because it was in the interest of all
sides that elections take place in the arranged time.
(hina) ha
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