ZAGREB, Sept 13 (Hina) - Croatian government officials said on
Friday that there would be no increase in the prices of products
of the INA oil company and gas.
Government decisions on the obligation of state-owned legal
entities to report their tariffs and on the reduction of the
recently increased prices of INA products to their previous
levels would take effect on Saturday, Economy Ministry officials
told a news conference.
INA, Croatian Electricity Board (HEP), Croatian Radio and
Television (HRT), Croatian Railways (HZ), Croatian Post and
Telecommunications (HPT), Croatian Roads, Croatian Forests, the
Jadrolinija shipping company and the Narodne Novine official
gazette are required to send their price lists to the Economy
Ministry 15 days before they change the prices of their products
and services.
Deputy Economy Minister Jasna Babic said that the government
had promptly responded to the announced price increases of 3.8 to
25.2 percent. She added that the price increases would have
affected not only the overall economic trends but also the cost
of living.
Economy Minister Davor Stern said that the decisions were part
of government efforts to tighten control on the operation of
public companies abusing their monopoly.
(hina) vm
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