ZAGREB, March 15 (Hina) - The Zagreb-based daily VJESNIK on Friday
runs a commentary piece by Mario Marusic on the recent politics of
the Social Democratic Action (SDA) in Sarajevo. He describes the
(Moslem) SDA politics in Bosnia-Herzegovina as fundamentalist
Moslem. Such politics seriously hinder the life of the Moslem
Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Marusic writes.
Marusic lists examples where such politics become prominent:
the establishment of the Sarajevo Canton despite disagreement from
Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) representatives, attempt of Moslems
to dominate the Federal police, their connection to Islamic
fundamentalists and terrorist training centres, taking of Croat
Herzeg-Bosnian documents and licence-plates (by the Moslem police),
the message which the President of the Presidency of Bosnia-
Herzegovina, Alija Izetbegovic, forwarded to residents of the
eastern (Moslem) part of Mostar in which he describes Bosnian
Croats in Mostar and Bosnian Serbs in Pale as equal.
"As can be inferred from Izetbegovic's messages, a unified
Mostar, stronger Federation and a democratic Bosnia-Herzegovina are
not Moslem strategic goals. Sarajevan media emitted on Thursday,
"Belgrade tore Bosnia in pieces with cannons, Zagreb does it with
agreements like those signed in Washington, Rome, Split," Marusic
So, how to ballance attitudes and overcome the core of the
problem?" Marusic asks.
"We shall see what steps the international community will take
to bring the Moslem authorities to reason for them to stop ignoring
the Federation and Croats as their equal partners. However, there
is no doubt that messages of warning forwarded to Izetbegovic were
not ambiguous," Marusic writes.
(hina) lm jn
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