ZAGREB, March 11 (Hina) - The Zagreb-based daily "Vjesnik"
commented Monday on the policy of the Bosnian Moslem political
leadership towards the Moslem-Croat Federation, in an article
headlined "Federation as a Stopover."
Quoting Federation president Kresimir Zubak as saying that to
the Bosnian Croats the Federation was an end and to the Bosnian
Moslems only a means to creating a unitary state, the article said
in part:
"Sarajevo is not shrinking from expanding the powers of the
republican authorities at the expense of the federal authorities
and from exerting more or less overt pressure on the (remaining)
Croat population in Bosnian army-controlled territory.
"Sarajevo's tactic includes increasingly closer cooperation
with Iran and other Islamic countries whose policies are not aimed
at bringing the Moslems closer to Europe and the West.
"Nevertheless, the present moment of Croat-Bosniac (Moslem)
relations demands, first of all, from the Croats to refrain from
any rash reactions. On the contrary, they should provide new
concrete evidence of their political will to build the Federation.
"Of course, in a way, as President Zubak clearly said, 'which
will not threaten their own ability and capability of responding to
all other possibilities of resolving relations in Bosnia-
Herzegovina and in the region.'"
(hina) vm jn
111149 MET mar 96
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