ZAGREB, Feb 28 (Hina) - 'Fate of Imprisoned and Missing Must Be
Found Out', reads the headline of a 'VJESNIK' report on a session
of the Croatian Parliament House of Representatives which started
yesterday. 'Vice Premier Ivica Kostovic, refusing certain proposals
from the Opposition, supported the normalisation of relations with
Belgrade as the only way to find the answer as to what happened to
the Croatian missing and imprisoned soldiers and civilians', the
paper says.
'Vicious Plan of Serb Hegemony' reads the headline of an
article by Mirko Sajler on the new Serb colonization of eastern
Ivan Sabic writes about the suspension of sanctions imposed on
the Bosnian Serbs in an article headlined 'Reward for
'Despite the agreement the Croatian oil company INA and the
Yugoslav Jugopetrol have signed, the Serbs are still stealing the
Croatian oil', warns journalist Zeljko Buksa.
The daily 'VECERNJI LIST' warns that 29 February is the last
day for taxes to be registered. Tax administration would work
longer than usual today.
'Who can stop the Serbs from fleeing before the 'Turks' (this
time, however, towards the East)?. They themselves could do it. Are
they, though, conscious of the fact that by digging up the bones of
their dead they are actually pulling out the roots of their
presence from the area they once used to live in? Are they mature
enough to be able to see the consequences of their dramatic and
drastic actions?, Mirko Galic asks in a commentary piece headlined
'New Ethnic Cleansing'.
'Vecernji list' also brings a report on yesterday's session of
the Parliament House of Representatives under the headline 'Truth
About Missing - Precondition Of Normalisation'.
'We don't want a divided city', says the head of Uskoplje
municipality, Zdravko Bicanic, adding 'We don't want to build walls
on former separation lines, but a unified city'.
(hina) rm
291138 MET feb 96
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