$ SY
WASHINGTON, Feb 28 (Hina) - The exodus of Serbs from the suburbs of
Sarajevo has given rise to unfounded accusations against the
Bosnian Government, similar to those levelled against the Croatian
Government following the mass departure of the so-called "Krajina"
Serbs, the Croatian Ambassador to the UN, Mario Nobilo, said in a
statement on Tuesday.
"Just like the Croatian Government, the Bosnian Government
cannot do much to make the Serbs stay, when their own leaders urge
and even force them to leave," Nobilo said.
The departure of Serbs from Sarajevo was a tragedy but the
Bosnian Government had no responsibility for it.
The root cause of both tragedies - the one in Sarajevo and the
one in Croatia - was Serbia's policy of creating an ethnically pure
state. Many Serbs had been led astray by their leaders, their
intelligentsia and their church to believe that the Serbs could not
live together with Croats, Moslems or any other nation.
The real tragedy was this artificially created belief, which
could not be changed by the Croatian Government or the
international community.
Serb leader Milan Babic confirmed in August last year that the
"Krajina" Serbs had left their homes at the orders of their leaders
who hoped to stir up international indignation against Croatia and
a military response from Belgrade, Nobilo wrote.
(hina) as
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