OSIJEK, Feb 22 (Hina) - One of the tasks of the UN Transitional
Administration in the Croatian Danubian region is the protection
of Croatian property in the occupied areas, Privatization Fund
president Milan Kovac said in the eastern city of Osijek on
Kovac met the head of the government office for restoration
of Croatian authority in the occupied areas, Ivica Vrkic, and
Osijek county and city officials for talks on the protection and
privatization of socially-owned property in the occupied areas of
eastern Croatia.
Kovac said that he would ask UN Administrator Jacques Klein
for permission for Privatization Fund officials to visit the
occupied areas to make an inventory of corporate property.
He said that the Ownership Transormation Act would be
applied without exception in the process of privatizing those
(hina) lm jn
221728 MET feb 96
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