Bosnian Serbs have refused to cooperate in the further
implementation of the Dayton peace accord in Bosnia, but the
peace process would continue with or without them, IFOR officials
said on Monday after the Bosnian Serbs failed to attend a meeting
of the joint military commission on the US aircraft carrier
"George Washington" in the Adriatic Sea.
The meeting had been called by the commander in chief of the
NATO-led peace Implementation Force (IFOR), Admiral Leighton
Smith. The Bosnian Croat and Moslem sides were represented by
Croatian Defence Council (HVO) Chief of Staff General Zivko
Budimir and Bosnian Army Chief of Staff General Rasim Delic.
The Bosnian Serb Republic has refused to comply with the
Dayton peace accord and the agreement reached in Rome, and its
leaders are trying to prevent the people of Bosnia from enjoying
the benefits of peace, said an IFOR spokesman aboard the ship.
Regardless of the Bosnian Serbs' behaviour, NATO would
continue to implement the Dayton peace accord in Bosnia, with or
without the Serbs, the spokesman said.
(hina) lm jn
191733 MET feb 96
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