( Editorial: --> 9693 )
OSIJEK, Sept 11 (Hina) - On Friday the first train departed along
the recently reconstructed section of railway from Osijek towards a
large crossing in Vrpolje which then heads off to Bosnia-
Reconstruction of 33 km section began at the end of 1994.
The Croatian Railways invested some $US11 million of its own funds
in the works.
Speaking at a ceremony held for the occasion, Croatian Railways
Director Marijan Klarić stressed that trains travelling on the new
section would be able to travel at speeds between 80 to 100 km per
He announced that the remaining stretch to Vrpolje would be
completed in the next year and a half.
According to Klarić, it is intended that the railway between Osijek
and Beli Manastir would be recontructed by spring next year, which
would raise the quality of the whole railway line between Hungary
and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
(Hina) sp
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