( Editorial: --> 7644 )
VUKOVAR, Sept 2 (Hina) - The European Commission and German non-
government contractor, Arbeiter Samariter Bund (ASB), have
completed the reconstruction of a block of ten flats in Vukovar.
Special European Commission envoy for Croatia, Per Vinther, opened
the building for use on Wednesday.
The European Union has so far participated in the reconstruction of
274 flats in the eastern Croatian city of Vukovar.
This is another contribution by the EU to the return of refugees and
reconciliation, and is a big event for every person who will return
to their home town of Vukovar and continue their lives there,
Vinther said.
Vukovar's Mayor, Vladimir Stengl, expressed gratitude to the
European union for assistance in the reconstruction of Vukovar,
ravaged during the Homeland War.
He stressed that it was evident that the visits of Per Vinther to the
city were usually connected to the opening for use of reconstructed
Stengl expressed hope that such visits would continue.
The European Union invested around US$218,750 into the
reconstruction of the block of flats.
Tenants will be handed the keys of their apartments as soon as the
documentation for their take-over of the flats is completed.
(hina) lml
021642 MET sep 98
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