( Editorial: --> 7395 )
SARAJEVO, Sept 1 (Hina) - The international high representative for
Bosnia Carlos Westendorp on Tuesday passed a decision on the
replacement of the Mayor of Orasje, a Croat-controlled town in
northern Bosnia, Marko Benkovic.
According to Westendorp's spokesman Rid Attarashany, Benkovic was
replaced after an investigation conducted by representatives of
Westendorp's office and the Organisation for Security and
Cooperation in Europe mission in Bosnia showed that he had been
preventing the return of refugees, obstructing a fair electoral
campaign and favouring the Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia-
Herzegovina (HDZ BH) party, of which he is member, ahead of an
upcoming general election.
The spokesman said he had requested HDZ BH president Ante Jelavic to
immediately implement Westendorp's decision and ensure that a new
Orasje Mayor take office within two weeks.
(hina) ha jn
011728 MET sep 98
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