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ZAGREB, Sept 2 (Hina) - Croatia's Deputy Prime Minister Goran Granic and the UNHCR Co-ordinator for Southeast Europe, Werner Blatter, met in Zagreb on Monday to discuss refugee returns and property restitution, the Croatian government's public relations office said in a statement.
ZAGREB, Sept 2 (Hina) - Croatia's Deputy Prime Minister Goran Granic and the UNHCR Co-ordinator for Southeast Europe, Werner Blatter, met in Zagreb on Monday to discuss refugee returns and property restitution, the Croatian government's public relations office said in a statement. #L# Blatter said that he was satisfied with the co-operation with Croatia to date and expressed hope it would continue, primarily with regard to refugee returns and property restitution, the press release noted. "'The Croatian government has established its action priorities,' Granic said, adding that property, reconstruction of refugees' houses, and the stimulation of their return were at the very top of the list. In addition to having to remove administrative obstacles, the completion of those processes requires time,'" the office quoted Granic as saying. The two officials also spoke about the Law on Asylum, which the government has forwarded into parliamentary procedure, as well as about advancing co-operation between Croatia and Yugoslavia in finding a simpler mechanism for Croatian Serb refugees to cross the border, the statement said. (hina) sp rml sb


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