"The coming days will be decisive in wrestling with the HDZ," Ivica Racan told reporters in the parliament's building on Tuesday.
The SDP chief first discussed the matter with his colleagues from the other opposition parties: Zlatko Tomcic of the Peasant Party (HSS), Vesna Pusic of the People's Party (HNS) and Anto Djapic of the Party of Rights (HSP). After that he informed Sabor Speaker Vladimir Seks of the opposition's dissatisfaction.
Racan declined to give any more details of his meeting with Seks.
"We are witness to the worrying worsening of political relations and intolerance in the parliament, which are primarily generated by the HDZ," Racan said accusing the ruling party of aggravating the situation in the Sabor because it could not solve an increasing number of problems it was facing.
Sabor Speaker Seks refuted accusations that the parliamentary majority was terrorising the minority and that the role of parliament was being downplayed, describing the claims as ridiculous.
He made no comment on the threats of opposition MPs' walk-outs.
He only confirmed that he held talks with Racan yesterday on "regulating political relations between the SDP and the HDZ which have entered a stage of high tensions", and voiced hope that the problem would be solved.