U.S. pamuk prodaja na tržištu - 01. kolovoza 1997.
Ukupna prodaja na 7 tržišta
u SAD-u 2,275 ( 5,754 prijašnji dan)
Prosiječna cijena 1-1/16 inch cotton
72,56 centi (72,55 prijašnji dan)
NEW YORK - pamuk zatvaranje - 01. kolovoza 1997.
OCT7 75.25 75.07 75.25 74.60 75.10 75.18
DEC7 75.19 74.90 75.19 74.51 75.05 75.12
MAR8 76.30 76.05 76.30 75.75 76.30 76.30
MAY8 76.65 76.85 76.90
JUL8 77.05 77.20 77.25
OCT8 75.35 75.40 75.40 75.20 75.35 75.35
DEC8 74.20 74.20 74.20 74.10 74.10 74.15
MAR9 75.00 75.10 75.25 75.00 75.00 75.00
MAY9 75.25 75.25 75.30
JUL9 75.50 75.60 75.65
NYCE cotton ends firmer on some fund buying
NEW YORK, Aug 1 (Reuter) - NYCE cotton ended firmer amid
fund buying after being on the minus column for most of the day
on trade selling, one floor source said.
But he noted moderate volume with an estimated 8,000 lots.
"Cotton is trading in a channel, a little bit above and
below 75.00 cents, basis December," said Carl Anderson, cotton
marketing specialist with Texas A and M University,
On the fundamental side, Anderson said a large portion of
the cotton crop in northern China was suffering from drought
which was viewed as supportive to the market.
"But that is partially offset by better-than-average crop
prospects in Pakistan and India," he said.
In the United States, the 1997/98 crop was delayed at
planting time from wet, cool weather in the southwest, the
southeast and the Delta. Then recent hot, dry conditions in
parts of the cotton belt stressed plants, he said.
The plants are very much into setting of bolls. "What we are
concerned about is getting the full amount of bolls from the
bottom to the top of the plant, particularly in the southern
regions of Texas," Anderson said.
On the negative side, domestic demand was sluggish, he said.
December firmed 0.07 cent at 75.12 cents a lb.
041113 MET aug 97
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