U.S. pamuk prodaja na tržištu - 25. srpnja 1997.
Ukupna prodaja na 7 tržišta
u SAD-u 794 ( 797 prijašnji dan)
Prosiječna cijena 1-1/16 inch cotton
72,54 centi (72,56 prijašnji dan)
NEW YORK - pamuk zatvaranje - 25. srpnja 1997.
OCT7 75.50 75.50 75.85 75.20 75.40 75.45
DEC7 75.70 75.61 75.90 75.33 75.50 75.60
MAR8 76.75 76.79 77.00 76.55 76.75 76.75
MAY8 77.50 77.30 77.50 77.10 77.25 77.30
JUL8 77.80 77.65 77.80 77.50 77.60 77.65
OCT8 75.90 75.50 75.90 75.90 75.50 75.55
DEC8 74.70 74.60 75.10 74.70 74.70 74.70
MAR9 75.50 75.60 75.70
MAY9 75.90 75.90 76.00
JUL9 76.10 76.20 76.30
NYCE cotton ends barely off, trade a steady seller
NEW YORK, July 25 (Reuter) - NYCE cotton closed slightly
lower on the day after trade selling blocked an early rally and
erased some of the gains made during the previous session,
dealers said.
The benchmark December contract settled 0.03 cent weaker at
75.60 cents a lb, having ranged from 75.90 to 75.33 cents. The
rest of the board closed 0.03 to 0.10 cent lower.
Follow-through fund buying carried December to a two-week
high of 75.90 cents in early trade, but steady selling by
producers squelched the rally.
Prices lingered just over unchanged until the buying dried
up in the afternoon and a surge of producer selling knocked the
market below unchanged and to the day's low.
The October/December spread remained steady at 0.15 cent.
Analysts said that the failure to sustain gains made on
Thursday suggests that the market may have put in a near-term
Nearby support was pegged at 75.00 cents followed by the
contract low of 73.20 cents.
An improving U.S. crop could weigh on prices through the
summer, analysts said. Players await the U.S. Department of
Agriculture's monthly crop report, released August 12, for its
next cue.
An estimated 11,000 lots changed hands on the day compared
with Thursday's official 13,226 lots.
280900 MET jul 97
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