U.S. pamuk prodaja na tržištu - 18. srpnja 1997.
Ukupna prodaja na 7 tržišta
u SAD-u 7,156 ( 1,523 prijašnji dan)
Prosiječna cijena 1-1/16 inch cotton
72,00 centi (72,06 prijašnji dan)
NEW YORK - pamuk zatvaranje - 18. srpnja 1997.
OCT7 74.85 75.30 75.60 74.80 74.80 74.93
DEC7 74.85 75.00 75.45 74.75 74.75 74.86
MAR8 76.20 76.35 76.60 76.00 76.00 76.05
MAY8 76.75 76.90 77.10 76.75 76.75 76.75
JUL8 77.30 77.10 77.15
OCT8 75.30 75.10 75.20
DEC8 74.40 74.80 74.90 74.40 74.40 74.40
MAR9 75.60 75.20 75.30
MAY9 75.80 75.50 75.60
JUL9 76.00 75.70 75.80
NYCE cotton ends higher but below resistance
NEW YORK, July 18 (Reuter) - NYCE cotton futures settled
firmer but off the highs as the benchmark December contract
failed to close above key 75.00 cents, dealers said.
They said steady selling by producers eroded the fund
buying that carried the contract to the day'shigh of 75.45
cents in early dealings.
The contract closed 0.08 cent firmer at 74.86 cents per
lb, having ranged from 74.45 to 74.75 cents. The rest of the
board finished 0.10 weaker to 0.12 cent higher.
An estimated 15,000 lots changed hands on the day compared
with Thursday's official 6,087 lots.
Prices are expected to remain in their recent range
between 75.00 and 72.00 cents basis the December contract.
Players await the U.S. Department of Agriculture's August
supply and demand data, the first survey-based estimates of
the season.
Meanwhile, players dismissed Hurricane Danny which swept
over the tip of Louisiana early Friday. The storm system is
expected to bring heavy rains to Louisiana, Mississippi,
Alabama and Georgia over the next several days, weather
forecasters said.
Tropical Depression 5 was forming east of the Lesser
Antilles today but meteorologists said it is too soon to
predict whether it will hit the U.S.
211058 MET jul 97
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