U.S. pamuk prodaja na tržištu - 08. srpnja 1997.
Ukupna prodaja na 7 tržišta
u SAD-u 1,399 ( ----- prijašnji dan)
Prosiječna cijena 1-1/16 inch cotton
70,51 centi (70,21 prijašnji dan)
NEW YORK - pamuk zatvaranje - 08. srpnja 1997.
JUL7 71.15 71.50 71.50 71.00 71.15 71.15
OCT7 73.80 73.40 74.20 73.30 73.60 73.70
DEC7 74.25 73.90 74.60 73.80 74.10 74.16
MAR8 75.50 75.20 75.80 75.10 75.35 75.43
MAY8 76.51 75.95 76.51 75.90 76.10 76.15
JUL8 76.60 76.50 76.60 76.50 76.50 76.55
OCT8 74.65 74.80 74.85
DEC8 73.85 73.75 74.00 73.75 73.85 73.85
MAR9 74.80 73.80 73.85
MAY9 75.10 75.05 75.15
NYCE cotton ends higher, trade a steady buyer
NEW YORK, July 8 (Reuter) - NYCE cotton futures consolidated
sustained on Monday and settled higher amid brisk trade buying.
Most-active December delivery ended 0.41 cent higher at 74.16
cents a
lb after trading from 74.60 to 73.80 cents. The rest board closed
higher to 0.90 cent lower.
Analysts said Monday's descent to new contract lows placed
the market
in a technically overbought situation and prompted steady buying
by the
"There was some follow-through speculative selling that was
offset by
trade buying on mill fixations," a dealer said.
He said the estimate of the 1997/98 cotton crop of 17.02
480-lb bales by private forecaster Sparks Cos Inc may have
provided some
fundamental underpinning to today's move up, but stressed that
the buying
was mostly technically-driven.
USDA pegged the 1997/98 crop at 18.5 million bales.
Follow-through buying on Wednesday could carry December
cotton to
resistance at 75.00 cents, traders said. The next upside target
pegged at 76.00 cents. Support was seen at the contract low of
cents followed by 70.00 cents.
An estimated 18,000 lots changed hands on the day versus
record official volume of 39,433 contracts.
091143 MET jul 97
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