U.S. pamuk prodaja na tržištu - 22. srpnja 1997.
Ukupna prodaja na 7 tržišta
u SAD-u 4,301 (13,160 prijašnji dan)
Prosiječna cijena 1-1/16 inch cotton
72,20 centi (72,20 prijašnji dan)
NEW YORK - pamuk zatvaranje - 22. srpnja 1997.
OCT7 74.65 74.80 75.10 74.50 74.50 74.58
DEC7 74.60 74.85 75.15 74.45 74.50 74.58
MAR8 75.90 76.15 76.37 75.80 75.80 75.85
MAY8 76.80 76.85 76.80 76.80 76.45 76.50
JUL8 77.00 77.30 77.00 77.00 76.90 76.95
OCT8 75.00 74.80 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00
DEC8 74.10 74.40 74.40 74.10 74.10 74.10
MAR9 75.30 74.90 75.00
MAY9 75.70 75.20 75.30
JUL9 75.90 75.40 75.50
NYCE cotton settles unchanged in thin trade
NEW YORK, July 22 (Reuter) - NYCE cotton futures settled
flat across the board on Wednesday after hovering close to
unchanged throughout the session, floor sources said.
Prices stood slightly higher throughout the afternoon, with
the benchmark December contract hitting its high of 75.15 cents
amid light trade buying.
The speculators came in ahead of the close to pressure
Volume was thin at an estimated 6,000 lots as the market
remains plagued by a lack of fundamental news. Monday's official
volume was 4,240 lots.
The benchmark December contract ended at 74.58 cents, having
ranged from 75.15 to 74.45 cents.
The weather remains mostly mild across the cotton belt and
insects are under control, leaving players to look toward the
U.S. Department of Agriculture's August supply and demand
report, the first survey-based estimates of the season, for
their next signal of where prices are headed.
Players said the NYCE spec/hedge report released today was
neutral for prices. The report showed the speculators to be
holding a 12.1 percent net short position as of July 18 compared
with a 14.8 percent net short position the previous week.
230917 MET jul 97
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