12. prosinca 1996.
cijene su u australskim centima po kg
Fine merino 19m 769 Med merino 21m 624
Fine merino 20m 665 Med merino 22m 599
Broad merino 23m 523 Comeback 25m 493n
Broad merino 24m 507 Comeback 26m 480n
Fine Xbred 27m 473n Med Xbred 29m 466n
Fine Xbred 28m 466n Med Xbred 30m 457n
Med Xbred 31m 454n Merino cardings 418
Xbred cardings 375n Eastern mkt ind 568
RTRS-Australian wool indicator rises to 568cts/kg
SYDNEY, Dec 12 (Reuter) - The Australian wool market eastern
indicator rose five cents to 568 cents a kg clean at sales in
Sydney and Melbourne, Wool International (WI) said.
Merino fleece prices were higher, with 19/20/21/26 microns
one percent dearer and 23/24 were 0.5 percent dearer.
Merino skirtings were higher, with 19/20/21 microns 1.0
percent dearer an 22 microns two percent dearer.
In crossbreds, 27m was was 0.5 percent dearer.
In cardings, locks and crutchings were up to one percent
cheaper and lambs were fully firm.
WI said Japanese and Chinese were main buyers with good
support from Western Europea and most sectors of the trade.
Of the 28,433 bales offered, 5.8 percent were passed in.
Sales resume on January 6 next year in Sydney, Melbourne and
Fremantle with about 90,550 bales to be offered.
Bradford - cijene vune - 06. siječnja 1997.
cijene u penijima/kg
70s SUPER 476 58s SUPER 361
66s SUPER 436 58s BLENDED 335
64s SUPER 393 56s SUPER 348
64s BLENDED 387 54s CARDED 330
60s SUPER 368 50s CARDED 320
60s BLENDED 349 58s ENGLISH 277
56s ENGLISH 267
50s ENGLISH 264
Bradford wool market cautious, lacking direction
BRADFORD, Jan 6 (Reuter) - A directionless Bradford wool
market saw tops traders unwilling to play their hands ahead of
price signals from the major raw wool auctions, local sources
"There are practically no clear opinions either way on how
prices will move and noone seems to be placing orders in
anticipation," one said.
Prices for all types were quoted unchanged.
Several sources said they were waiting for wool values to be
tested in Australia on Tuesday, while others were watching New
Zealand, unhappy about the softer close there just before
The retail sales figures for the Christmas period are being
keenly awaited by suppliers of clothing quality tops as an
indication of prospective U.K. demand.
But exporters complain that the sturdy pound has cast a black
cloud over the horizon with overseas buyers bidding at
unsustainable rates.
071029 MET jan 97
SP rukomet - Francuzi rekorderi, Danci spojili četiri zlata
SP rukomet: Hrvatska poražena u finalu, Dancima četvrto uzastopna zlato
SP rukomet - konačan poredak
SP rukomet: Hrvatska - Danska 26-32
Bundesliga: Bayer sigurno do bodova protiv Hoffenheima
Premier liga: Arsenal nadigrao Manchester City s čak 5-1
Obuljen Koržinek: Hrvatski stručnjaci pomažu u očuvanju ukrajinske kulturne baštine
Trump brani svoje kontroverzne carine na Kanadu, Meksiko i Kinu
Možemo! Pula: Prioritet je povećanje kapaciteta vrtića
Ministarstvo u ponedjeljak objavljuje izvješće o nesreći broda "Lastovo"