ZEPCE, Dec 5 (Hina/HABENA) - Severe clashes between the Moslem-led
Bosnian Army and the units of the Croatian Defence Council(HVO)
were raging on the Zepce battlefield (Central Bosnia) on Saturday,
reported the local HVO command.
The Moslem forces fired over 250 cannon and mortar projectiles in
the offensive, according the Herzeg-Bosnia's News Agency (HABENA).
The armed assaults of the Moslem formations left four civilians
The HVO units launched a counterattack, and seized several
important heights interrupting the Moslem connection road from
Tesanj to Maglaj.
According to the same agency, the Moslem forces tried to carry out
an infantry breakthrough in the region of Zeljezno Polje, firing
over 100 shells at the defence lines of the HVO on the Zepce
051304 MET dec 93
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