MOSTAR, Dec 5 (Hina) - The Moslem-led B-H Army carried out attacks
on the confrontation line in Mostar last night and this morning by
shoulder-launchers, grenades and snipers, reported the Defence
Ministry of the Croatian Republic of Herceg-Bosna(HR HB). The
members of the Croatian Defence Council (HVO) repelled all attacks,
and their positions remained stable.
The very centre of Vitez was exposed to shelling of the Moslem-led
Bosnian Army on Saturday night. No casualties were reported,
according to the same source. The predominantly Moslem Bosnian Army
from their positions in Bandol, Radojcici and Banovici launched an
artillery-supported infantry attack on the positions of the HVO on
this crisis area in Central Bosnia. The HVO units repelled the
attack without suffering losses, said the same source. The HVO
formations discovered and neutralized one Moslem commando group in
the region of Dobra Voda. Three Moslem commandoes were killed,
while two HVO soldiers were wounded in that clash.
The Serb aggressors opened fierce machine-gun fire at the village
of Rujani in the Livno crisis area (southwestern Bosnia). They
ceased fire after the HVO units responded to their armed
Armed provocations of the Moslem-led B-H Army were reported from
the Uskoplje (Gornji Vakuf)-Rama battlefield, according to the same
051205 MET dec 93
Tenis: pregled rezultata (3)
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Kralj Karlo III. posjetit će Italiju i sastati se s papom Franjom
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Serie A: Fiorentina svladala Inter 3-0 u nastavljenom susretu
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Hrvanje, Zagreb Open: Slavlje za Kylea Fredericka Snydera
Hrvatske košarkašice uvjerljivo slavile u Nizozemskoj
Senator: Isključen sigurnosni sustav u vojnom helikopteru prije sudara sa zrakoplovom
Policija potvrdila uhićenje bivšeg županjskog gradonačelnika