ZAGREB, Dec 3 (Hina) - Local Croatian authorities, Serb authorities
from Sector North and UNPROFOR officials met on Thursday at an
UNPROFOR check-point near Sisak, 50 km south-east of Zagreb.
The minutes of the meeting, accepted by both sides, were delivered
to media by the Croatian Army command in Zagreb on Friday.
The Croatian and Serb sides agreed to study a proposal by UNPROFOR
officials in Sector North for the demilitarization of the
disengagement line area near Sisak, so they could put forward their
proposals at the next meeting.
It was also agreed that a meeting would be held with local
military commanders of both sides in the Sunja area, which would be
chaired by UNPROFOR's Danish Battalion commander in Sector North.
The meeting is expected to consider the possibility of establishing
a truce in the Sunja area, the possibility of establishing hot
telephone lines between local military commanders of both sides,
and preparations for setting up UNPROFOR observer and check points.
The next meeting is scheduled to take place on 9 December.
031550 MET dec 93
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