ZAGREB, Dec 2 (Hina) - Croatian Ambassador to the UN in Geneva
Miomir Zuzul was a guest in yesterday's Croatian TV show. He
estimated that the newest Geneva negotiations showed that Croatia
is ready to accept a real agreement, but requests of Muslims and
Serbs reduces the possibility of reaching the agreement.
The Ambassador estimated the engagement of the European Union in
the negotiations as positive. "This is the first time, since the
European Community officialy became the European Union, that it is
trying to initiate an important political action and it will not
easily allow the action not to show any result."
Ambassador Zuzul denied the statement by Bosnian Prime Minister
Haris Silajdzic which says that Muslims got the sovereignty over
one Adriatic port at the negotiations held on the sea carrier
Invincible in September. "Using of free port zones in the ports of
Rijeka and Ploce was agreed, but the territorial right cannot be
considered," said Zuzul.
021138 MET dec 93
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