SARAJEVO, Nov 28 (Hina) - The Croatian coordinating committee has
displayed its standpoints concerning the forthcoming Geneva peace
negotiations. the standpoints are following:
-The Geneva negotiations and any other talks should guarantee the
integrity of the state of Bosnia-Herzegovina within its internationally
recognized borders.
-The internal arrangement should be in accordance with already agreed
and accorded proposals in the peace process, i.e. the Confederation-
Union of the three republics. The joint offices should be formed by
agreements, and Parliament should be established, which could be the
double-house system.
-All conflicts and all combat activities should immediately cease,
without breach of agreements, and with guarantees for all that can be
done now without delay, in Geneva and in the peace package with all
negotiated solutions.
The Croatian coordinating committee has already informed some of
participants in the forthcoming Geneva negotiations of the above-
mentioned standpoints.
281033 MET nov 93
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