ZAGREB, May 29 (Hina) - To calm the situation, to succeed in
getting all detained UN members released and to make it possible
that political negotiations resume are the chief guidelines of UN
activities in the current crisis with hostages in Bosnia-
Herzegovina, according to UN spokesman Fred Eckhard.
He told a press-conference in Zagreb on Monday that in the
meantime the UN were not excluding the possibility of taking any
action which might be indispensable for the defence of UN troops.
Speaking about the situation in the temporarily occupied
Croatian areas, UNCRO spokesman Chris Gunnes said it was stable.
Gunnes added there were sporadic artillery and small arms fire in
the former north sector near the border with the Bihac area and
some movements of heavy arms by both sides in the former sector
Eckhard announced that a report of UN Secretary-General
Boutros Boutros Ghali would be submitted to UN Security Council on
Tuesday, on the grounds of which the future of UN mission in Bosnia
should be considered.
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291535 MET may 95
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