SARAJEVO, May 28 (Hina) - Bosnian Serbs currently held 245 UN
officers and soldiers and 32 unarmed military observers, the UN in
Sarajevo said today.
At least 17 military observers were still held hostages at
various points which the Serbs considered as likely targets of new
NATO strikes, a UN spokesman said.
Bosnian Serbs yesterday seized a considerable number of UN
vehicles formerly used by UN peace-keepers manning artillery depots
round Sarajevo. Three APC's labelled "UN" were yesterday seen on
the roads around Sarajevo, and several French light tanks were also
believed to have been taken.
Serbs destroyed three UN APC's garaged at a heavzy-weapons
depot near the Lukavica barracks.
According to spokesman Gary Coward, all such depots were now
in Serb hands.
At least one UN soldier was beaten up yesterday when Serbs
seized the Hresa depot east of Sarajevo. A number of peace-keepers
are believed to have been manhandled and threatened with death.
Spokesman Alexander Ivanko said the Bosnian Serb army was
behaving as a "terrorist organisation." Taking UN peace-keepers
prisoner and using them as a human shield were acts of terrorism
which constituted a blatant violation of the Geneva Convention.
Gen. Tupert Smith explained these points of law in a letter to
Gen. Mladic, the spokesman said, adding that the Hague Tribunal
would be notified of these events.
(hina) as
281650 MET may 95
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