NEW YORK, March 29 (Hina) - Croatia's ambassador to the United
Nations, Mario Nobilo, yesterday forwarded a letter to UN
secretary general Boutros Boutros-Ghali on involvement of high
Yugoslav army officers in paramilitary and military forces in
occupied Croatian areas.
Nobilo enclosed a list with the names and ranks of 51
Yugoslav officers deployed in the Serb-occupied parts of Croatia.
"I should like to draw your attention to the enclosed list of
51 former officers of the "Yugoslav People's Army - JNA",
presently commissioned into the "Army of Yugoslavia", who have
been detached on active duty to the occupied territories of
Croatia. They continue to be compensated for their services by
the Government of the "Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and
Montenegro)". In addition to the highest ranked professional
officers listed in the Annex, there are approximately 6000 other
officers and petty officers commissioned in the "Army of
Yugoslavia" who are detached to the General Headquarters of the
"Serbian Army of Krajina" and other paramilitary units on the
occupied territories of Croatia; of these, there are an
additional 30 Colonels, 170 Lt. Colonels and 150 Majors.
This is yet another confirmation of direct involvement of the
Belgrade regime in the military occupation of the Republic of
Croatia, as already established by the General Assembly in its
resolution 49/43, and provides further evidence that the "Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)" did not fulfill
its obligation to fully withdraw the "JNA" from Croatia.
In this regard I should also like to draw your attention to
Security Council resolution 871 (1993) that establishes a clear
connection between the immediate demilitarization of the occupied
territories and the involvement of the "Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)" in resolutions 757 (1992),
787 (1992) and 820 (1993).
I would kindly request your assistance in circulating the
text of the present letter and its Annex as a document of the
Fiftieth Session of the General Assembly, under item 92 of the
preliminary list entitled THE SITUATION IN THE OCCUPIED
TERRITORIES OF CROATIA, and of the Security Council."
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