ZAGREB, March 8 (Hina) - Croatian Foreign Minister, Mate Granic,
today recieved the ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross)
chief delegate for western and central Europe and the Balkans,
Angel Gnaediger, the Foreign Ministry said.
Gnaediger was accompanied by head of the ICRC office in
Zagreb, Alex Braunwalder.
They discussed ways to speed up the process of looking for
missing persons in Croatia.
Granic thanked the ICRC for its efforts in looking for missing
persons and requested that ICRC President, Cornelio Sommaruga, take
an active part in that process.
Granic and Gnaediger also discussed the situation in Croatia's
occupied area in the wake of the decision to end the UNPROFOR
They stressed the need for resuming talks on the peaceful
reintegration of the occupied areas into Croatia's legal system,
the Ministry said.
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