( Editorial: --> 8608 )
SARAJEVO, 15 Dec (Hina) - The House of Representatives of the
Parliament of Bosnia-Herzegovina on Monday adopted a Law on Travel
Documents, fulfilling the first part of conclusions of last week's
Bonn conference on the implementation of the peace agreement.
The lower house also opened a discussion on Citizenship Law.
The session of the lower house started shortly after 7 pm, after it
was stalled earlier in the day following a request of Serb
Democratic Party (SDS) representatives for the Bosnian Presidency
and Assembly to officially approve an agreement on dual citizenship
signed in Belgrade two days ago by the Serb member of the Bosnian
Presidency, Momcilo Krajisnik, and Yugoslav Foreign Minister Milan
As the Serb side again stressed their request at the session held
tonight, the session broke up after a one-hour discussion.
However, the session is expected to continue after talks between
parliamentary benches' representatives are completed.
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