ZAGREB, Jan 31 (Hina) - Following is the full text of the UN Security
Council Presidential Statement on the Croatian Danubian area:
The Security Council has considered the letter of the
Secretary-General of 21 January 1997 (S/1997/62) concerning
developments with respect to the United Nations Transitional
Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium
(UNTAES), and welcomes his evaluation.
The Security Council welcomes the letter of 13 January 1997
(S/1997/27) from the Government of Croatia on the completion of the
peaceful reintegration of the region under the Transitional
Administration, which guarantees the local Serb community
representation and a voice at various levels of local, regional and
national Government, provides for a limited deferment of military
service, and affirms the intention of the Government of Croatia to
provide the local Serb population with the protection of their legal
and civil rights under Croatian law. The Council calls upon the
Government of Croatia to implement fully the commitments contained in
that letter and the oral guarantees made by Croatian officials to
UNTAES as specified in the letter of the Secretary-General of 21
January 1997 (S/1997/62).
The Council also notes the letter of the local Serb Executive
Council and Regional Assembly on this matter of 16 January 1997
(S/1997/64, Annex).
The Security Council recalls the statement of its President
of 15 August 1996 (S/PRST/1996/33) and again
underlines the importance of the holding of elections, the
organization of which is the responsibility of UNTAES, in accordance
with the Basic Agreement on the Region of Eastern Slavonia, Baranja
and Western Sirmium (S/1995/931, Annex) signed on 12 November 1995
(the Basic Agreement). The Council shares the view of the
Transitional Administrator that the rights and guarantees outlined in
the letter from the Government of Croatia, if fully implemented,
constitute a solid basis for the holding of elections simultaneously
with nationwide elections in Croatia, and offer substantial progress
towards the completion of the process of peaceful reintegration of
the region. In this context, the Council emphasizes that the holding
and certification of elections, upon a decision by the Transitional
Administrator, within the envisaged time frame will only be possible
if the Croatian authorities fulfill their obligations with respect to
the completion of the issuance of citizenship and identity documents
for all eligible voters and relevant technical documents, and provide
all information as required by UNTAES for certification of the
elections. The Council underlines the need for full cooperation by
the local Serbs.
The Security Council reiterates the importance of confidence
building measures which could benefit residents of the region beyond
the expiration of the mandate of UNTAES. In this regard, it
encourages the Croatian authorities to maintain the present
demilitarized status of the region.
The Security Council reaffirms the importance of effectively
implementing the rights of all residents in the region to equal
treatment with respect to housing, access to reconstruction grants
and loans, and to property compensation, as guaranteed by Croatian
law. It reiterates the right of all refugees and displaced persons to
return to their places of origin. It also reiterates the right of
residents of a State to choose freely where they wish to live. The
upholding of these principles is of vital importance for the
stability of the region. In this connection, it strongly encourages
the Government of Croatia to reaffirm its obligations under the
provisions of the Croatian Constitution, Croatian law, and the Basic
Agreement, to treat all its citizens equally regardless of their
The Security Council stresses that the restoration of the
multi-ethnic character of Eastern Slavonia is important to
international efforts to maintain peace and stability in the region
of former Yugoslavia as a whole. The Council encourages the Croatian
Government to take such steps as needed to promote good-will, build
confidence, and provide assurances of a safe, secure and stable
environment to all people in the region. These steps should include
full implementation of its Law on Amnesty, full cooperation with the
International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, improved
cooperation with respect to local Serbs who wish to return to other
areas of Croatia, full compliance with the Basic Agreement, and full
cooperation with UNTAES and other international organizations. The
Council welcomes the commitments by the Government of Croatia with
regard to the establishment of a Joint Council of Municipalities,
Council of the Serb ethnic community, and with respect to educational
and cultural autonomy of the Serb population and other minorities in
the region. The Council notes the reassurances of the Croatian
authorities that applications for a second period of deferment of
military service for local Serbs will be considered in a positive
The Security Council condemns the incident that occurred at
Vukovar on 31 January 1997 and that resulted in the death of an
UNTAES peace-keeper and injuries to other UNTAES personnel.
The Security Council calls upon both sides to cooperate in
good faith on the basis of the Basic Agreement. It also calls upon
them to continue to cooperate with the Transitional Administrator and
with UNTAES in order to ensure the success of the process of
reintegration. It calls upon the international community to support
fully this endeavour.
The Security Council expresses its appreciation to the
Transitional Administrator and his staff and reaffirms its full
support for them.
The Security Council will remain actively seized of the
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312038 MET jan 97
KL: Remi Rapida u Banja Luci, Beljo strijelac
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