ZAGREB, Jan 22 (Hina) - In conclusion of his two-hour state of the
nation address to the Parliament, Croatian President Franjo Tudjman
presented essential tasks of state policy in 1997.
Here is the full text of the final chapter of the address
headlined "Conclusion: Essential Tasks of State Policy in 1997":
1. Having achieved, in the past year, results which are
as a whole satisfactory, and very good in some fields, we have met
all the prerequisite conditions to continue attaining, through the
consistent implementation of the long-term programme of present-day
Croatian revival, further success in the building of independent,
democratic Croatia, and particularly in improving the standards of
living of the entire population, in 1997 as well.
In the coming year all government authorities, and the
entire Croatian public, must focus on the
solution of the essential questions which are currently of general
national-State interest.
2. All governmental bodies at all levels, and all public
firms, must take every step, within their scope of activity,
required to complete the peaceful reintegration of the Croatian
Danubian Region into
the constitutional-juridical system of Croatia by July 15, 1997.
In the process, consistent compliance is required with
the agreement concluded between the
Croatian Government and the Transitional Administrator, General
Klein. The successful termination of the UNTAES mandate and the
consequent establishment, as soon as possible, of Croatian
sovereignty over the region, with the border on the Danube, is of
essential importance for Croatia.
Immediately after the establishment of local and county
authorities after the elections, every step
should be taken in order to effect the return of displaced persons
within the shortest possible
time, and to revive overall economic and social life in the region.
3. The implementation of this year's elections for local
bodies, municipalities, cities and counties, and for the Chamber of
Counties of Parliament, is of outstanding importance also because
their concurrent holding in the region under the Transitional
UNTAES Administration is a precondition for the completion of the
peaceful reintegration of the Croatian Danubian Region.
The elections for the President of the Republic are
certainly as important. Government administration is responsible
for providing normal conditions for the elections.
All truly democratic and patriotic forces should provide
their own contribution to making these
elections serve the continued strengthening of the democratic
order, and the qualitative improvement of local and government
administration as a whole, so as to ensure, at all levels, a more
successful solution of all problems in the future development of
Croatia into a democratic country of progress, rule of law and
social justice.
These elections may also be expected to contribute to the
greater maturity and stabilization of
Croatia's young multiparty life.
4. Within the scope of legal and implementational
preparations for the elections, representation of all ethnic
communities and national minorities - the Serbian, Hungarian,
Italian, etc. - in local and government bodies should be ensured in
accordance with constitutional and legal provisions and
with the European Charter.
The representation of minorities should be regulated on
the basis of the general statistical census of the population which
- as decided by the Government - should be carried out as soon as
5. In the coming year all government authority -
legislative, executive and judiciary - should take
more coordinated and more determined steps in developing the
democratic order for the sake of a more complete realization of the
rule of law, and full respect of human, civil and minority rights.
The highest bodies of government authority must act in
accordance with their constitutional and
lawful powers, with the full respect of the principle of separation
of powers, but also of the principle of inalienability,
indivisibility and untransferrability of State sovereignty, so as
to ensure the enforcement of State policy all levels.
In the new, peace-time conditions of social and State
life, the Croatian political system must be
developed and juridically upgraded along the line of awareness of
the need for fullest agreement among all layers of the Croatian
people, and among all political parties, with respect to the
fundamental, long-term but also momentary interests of the Croatian
people and the Croatian State. The achievement of Croatian national
agreement and unity is the basic prerequisite for a
strong, economically prosperous, socially just and genuinely
democratic State of Croatia.
In the development of the democratic multiparty system,
particular care should be paid to
ensuring the freedom of the media. However, no freedom can imply a
licence to anarchy, to turning democratic order into disorder.
Freedom of the media cannot involve any violation of legal
regulations, and the same applies to foreign citizens. Personal
legal responsibility for one's deeds and words must also and
particularly be present in this field, too, just as in any
democratic country.
This year the salaries of civil servants, of the highest
officials and of the judiciary must be
increased in order to improve the overall system of government
Certain constitutional provisions ought to be amended
this year, in the sense to which I have referred earlier, but there
is no need for any essential change of our constitutional system.
6. In the coming year the basic task of economic policy
must be the promotion of investment and
technological progress, and the maintenance of a high rate of
The achievement and sustaining of high growth requires
the stimulation of savings, and initiatives
for new investments into small businesses and handicrafts. The
creation of the highest possible
number of well-paid productive jobs is of the highest importance in
order to give Croatian citizens
the opportunity to take active part in the provision of their
individual, higher standards of living and
in the development of an affluent Croatia.
The policy focused on increasing living standards and
employment requires higher savings,
investments and entrepreneurship, and of exports as the yardstick
of the success of overall developmental efforts.
Rapid economic growth is also the precondition for the
faster solution of social problems, that is,
for maintaining the solidarity of the classes of society and social
peace. It is also a precondition
for the more even development of all counties, and particularly for
the speedier recovery of the areas ravaged by war.
In 1997 comprehensive support should be provided to areas
liberated from Great-Serbian
occupation, that is, to the areas of particular governmental
concern as proclaimed by the Croatian
The demographic, economic, infrastructural, cultural and
spiritual recovery of these Croatian
areas must be the primary task of the Croatian State policy.
Within the scope of demographic recovery of these areas
(in which the density of settlement is
only one-fifth of the average for Croatia), the settlement of
expatriate Croats, and of people from
the overpopulated major Croatian cities, must be stimulated in
More systematic steps are required in order to promote
the return of expatriates in terms of free
travel and legal benefits, as well as in terms of a resolute
elimination of all red tape.
7. In addition to economic recovery, demographic and
spiritual revival has from the very beginning been the basic
objective of national and political rebirth realized through the
establishment of the independent and sovereign Croatian State.
So far considerable effort has been invested into
demographic recovery both in legal and in real
terms, but this all-important question requires continued attention
in the coming year as well.
Due consideration ought to be given to linking children's
benefits and allowances to the children,
so that the mother could keep her employment while being capable of
caring for her children.
In view of the extremely serious and unfavourable
situation concerning the growth of Croatian population, and in
order to promote natural growth, serious thought should be given to
abortion, both in legal and real terms, and permit it only in cases
involving medical and some other real reasons, and to the ways of
promoting the birth rate.
The government and banking systems should immediately
seek favourable opportunities for proving housing credits to young
These and other solutions to which I have already
referred should prevent the young people from
leaving their homeland. If they are given the opportunity to solve
their housing problems,
employment and free advancement in their chosen careers, we can
expect that the feeling of attachment to their native region and to
the Homeland will prevail in the majority of young people.
8. The principal educational policy tasks for 1997 may be
summarized as follows:
- first, continued promotion of positive achievement in
the building of the organization and identity of the Croatian
school system;
- and, second, the improvement of the material conditions
in the school system, and of the living
standards of the educators as a precondition for stable development
and successful education of Croatian youth.
Awareness of the need for involvement in the
establishment and implementation of national scientific research
programmes should be promoted at all levels of government
administration, and in all the segments of economic life, in which
an important role must be played by the Chambers of Commerce and of
Crafts and Trades.
Concern with education, the application of science and
high technology, comprehensive computerization in particular, will
be the most important instruments of economic development.
The development of small and medium scale firms will
greatly depend on the acquisition of new
knowledge, and especially on their links with universities and
scientific institutes, if they are to be competitive in the
international markets.
In this regard, over the next period particular attention
must be devoted to the continued
reorganization of higher education.
The revival of Croatian science should be sustained
through particular concern with post-graduate degree candidates,
with the provision of conditions favouring their stay in the
country, and their maximum integration into the mainstream of
scientific and economic development.
The already initiated establishment of institutions
combining science and the economy
(technology and other centres) should be speeded up as much as
possible, especially in centres other than Zagreb.
In the implementation of cultural policy at all levels it
should be kept in mind that culture, along with education, has to
assume the main responsibility in the spiritual revival of Croatian
society in terms of overcoming all the negative legacy of the
Yugoserbian and communist period.
In proceeding from such an awareness the Ministry of
Culture must stimulate all the activities
promoting creativity and cultural life in all Croatian centres.
Particular attention should be paid to solving the
problems affecting the main Croatian theatres, to
the development of the Croatian film industry, and to the
international presentation of Croatian culture.
In the field of health care, the positive achievements in
health care should be followed-up. This
implies sustaining balanced consumption and employment, higher
wages and salaries, the reconstruction of destroyed facilities and
the start of the developmental investment cycle.
The implementation of reasonable privatization along the
line of the experience of other countries,
especially in our conditions of relatively modest available
resources for health care consumption,
may promote a more efficient use of limited resources and
additional insurance opportunities, and hence promote the quality
and competitiveness of the services.
The Sports Law should be adopted this year.
The Law should regulate the relations in this important field in
order to overcome the many ambiguities, the loss of one's bearings
and even the anarchy with which the government administration and
the public are faced on a daily basis.
The Law must specify the limits between amateurism and
professionalism, and prevent the
establishment of extremely inefficient competition systems under
the guise of one or the other,
and unreasonable, wasteful and under-the-table financing.
The Law must also accurately specify financing and
management in amateur and professional sports.
9. Since the consequences of war and aggression will
still be felt for a long time to come, as will the hardships of the
transition period, 1997 will also require major effort if all the
requirements, and in particular the main State policy tasks, are to
be met successfully within the scope of the adopted
government budget.
In this connection I call upon all bodies of government
authority to bear in mind at all times, in
their decisions and the enforcement thereof, the need for extreme
economy and savings, and particularly for the reduction of
bureaucracy in every respect and at all levels.
Of equally great importance is the development of the
people's awareness of the need for the consistent fulfilment of
one's obligations to the State, individually and within one's
alike, because this is not only in the interest of the State but
also in the interest of the individual -
the taxpayer and the beneficiary of social rights and State
It is only then that the individual is entitled to
request the State to fulfill its own obligations to him
individually and to his institutions.
In addition, this is one of the most important
preconditions for relieving taxpayers and improving
the living standards of the population in general, and of its
poorer segments in particular.
10. In 1997 Croatia will sustain its policy of promoting
good relations with all countries, with a
particular focus on cooperation and the promotion of joint
interests with neighbouring countries, and with countries to which
it is linked through special friendly relations and strategic
Croatia will continue to stimulate and support the
arrangement of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the basis of the
Washington and Dayton agreements, and, in this context, the closest
ties with the Bosniac-Croat Federation.
Croatia supports the continued normalization of relations
with the FR of Yugoslavia (Serbian and
Montenegro) in the interest of peace and stability of the new
international order in this part of
The permanent goal of Croatian foreign policy is the
comprehensive return to the fold of the Central European and
Mediterranean circle of European countries to which it belongs in
historical, civilizational and economic terms.
Croatia has been and will remain to be a constructive
factor in the settlement of the crisis and the establishment of a
new international order in the region.
However, Croatia is resolutely opposed to any formal
integration into a regional Yugoslav, Balkan
or Southeast-European framework, whether or not it is called an
alliance, a union or merely economic connection.
Nevertheless, as a country connected with that region,
Croatia supports good relations with all the
States in it, and we are interested in the solution of joint
problems in traffic and economic ties where these are of bilateral
or multilateral interest, both for the sake of direct economic
purpose and for the sake of stability of the new international
As a country bordering the region, Croatia does not
renounce its responsibility, and it is prepared to continue to be a
constructive factor in every respect, including the connection of
the region with Europe and the West.
Croatia will continue to cooperate constructively with the
United Nations and its bodies and specialized agencies, with the
OSCE and with other organizations operating in accordance with the
principles of international law and the UN charter.
11. The system of national-State security must be developed
and upgraded in order to ensure the
stability of the democratic order, the rule of law, and the
security of citizens in physical and property terms.
The future development of the Croatian army, air force and
navy should be adjusted to peace-time conditions. We must aim at
the alliance with the North Atlantic security system and
integration into their technical frameworks.
The Croatian armed forces must cultivate the traditions of
the people out of which they have
developed, and the victorious spirit of the Homeland War.
The professional expertise and combat readiness of all
units must be upgraded continuously.
The living conditions of units and soldiers must be
improved while applying maximum economy in all fields in order to
reduce the high defence expenditure.
We should continuously bear in mind the fact that the
strength of the Croatian Armed Forces - of
the Croatian Army, Air Force and Navy - has guaranteed the
establishment and will guarantee the defence and the future of the
independent, democratic and sovereign Croatian State.
12. These essential tasks facing us in 1997 are indeed of
great importance for the future development and strengthening of
our young State.
On the basis of overall past experience, let me express the
firm conviction that all government
authorities - legislative, executive and judiciary - will
successfully carry out all the tasks, just as
they have carried out all their tasks in the past, together with
their Croatian people and all the
Croatian citizens for the sake of the progress and prosperity of
our Homeland, for the well-being,
happiness and prosperity of all the Croatian people, for the
strengthening of the independent, democratic and sovereign Croatian
(excerpts from the central part of the speech focusing on domestic
policy to follow)
(hina) vm mš
221414 MET jan 97
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