( Editorial: --> 6731 )
OSIJEK, Aug 29 (Hina) - Osijek County police on Friday brought in
three members of the so-called "Sodolovci group", who were on an
arrest warrant for war crimes committed against civilians.
The police arrested Pero K. (aged 45), Vujo H. (45) and Zeljko K.
(47), all from Sodolovci, eastern Slavonia.
Other persons from the arrest warrant are at large and police are
searching for them.
In 1995, the Osijek County Court sentenced members of the
"Sodolovci group" to imprisonment. The group was tried in
Of the group's 19 members, eight are believed to reside on the
Croatian territory, including Goran Vusurovic, who is being tried
at the Osijek County Court.
The Supreme Court recently accepted a complaint filed by the
group's attorney and sent back their case for the County Court to
reconsider it.
The Supreme Court judged that conditions for a re-trial have been
met but also decided that in case of re-trial all members of the
group have to be taken into custody.
(hina) rml
291147 MET aug 98
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