( Editorial: --> 1824 )
TRAVNIK, Aug 5 (Hina) - A group of Bosnian Croats on Tuesday
afternoon blocked a major road between Travnik and Sarajevo in
protest against the continued presence of foreign citizens, so-
called mujahadeen.
As well as the expulsion of these foreign Islamic extremists, the
group demanded the international community treat all three peoples
of Bosnia-Herzegovina equally.
The one-hour protest in the settlement of Puticevo involved Croats
from the Travnik area and the Lasva River valley in central Bosnia.
Organisers also expressed dissatisfaction with the latest killing
of a Croat policeman, Ante Valjan, in the Travnik police department
and the inefficiency of investigations in seven murders of Travnik
Croats in the past year and a half.
They believe the presence of mujahadeen in Bosniak (Muslim) held
parts of central Bosnia such as Travnik are largely responsible for
the incidents.
(Hina) mbr
051241 MET aug 98
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