( Editorial: --> 0962 )
ZAGREB, Feb 11 (Hina) - The London-based Ermitage Trustees
international financial corporation on Tuesday signed an agreement
with the Croatian pension fund on the purchase of 53.61 per cent of
the shares of Croatian daily Vecernji List for DM 19.5 million.
According to the daily's Wednesday issue, the agreement was signed
in Zagreb by the deputy director of the pension fund, Mladen
Strukan, and a member of the Ermitage Trustees administration,
Simon Rogers.
The Croatian pension fund will retain 32 per cent of the daily's
In agreement with the majority and minority owners, the number of
supervisory board members will not change in the first stage.
Ermitage Trustees will have four seats, while the pension fund will
hold its three seats.
An assembly of shareholders should later on express themselves on a
proposed five-member supervisory board.
Commenting on future editorial and business guidelines of Vecernji
List, Rogers said possible changes among the daily's top people
will be decided by the supervisory board.
Big changes are unnecessary at a time when Vecernji List is
confirming its leading role on the market, Rogers said.
(hina) ha jn
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