( Editorial: --> 5536 )
ZAGREB, 19 Jan (Hina) - The distribution of coupons for persons who
are entitled to participate in coupon privatisation starts on
Monday, Croatian Privatisation Minister Milan Kovac told reporters
Authorised participants in coupon privatisation will be able to use
their coupons for buying shares of companies in the areas liberated
in military operations 'Flash' and 'Storm'.
"This summer, or in its second half, we could complete this
process," said Assistant Privatisation Minister Damir Ostovic.
Some 230,000 persons - Homeland War victims and former political
prisoners - are participating in the process of coupon
According to the Privatisation Law, they have the right to free
A list and a catalogue with data on every company whose shares from
the portfolio of the Croatian Privatisation Fund are intended for
privatisation will soon be published, Minister Kovac said, adding
the list currently included 485 companies.
Those participating in coupon privatisation would also receive a
booklet "How to Compete" with simple explanations on how to get
shares with coupons.
The holders of coupons can decide for themselves how to use the
coupons - exchange them for shares of a company or entrust them to
one of the seven privatisation and investment funds.
Kovac warned of strict mechanisms of protection and control of the
work of those funds.
In the beginning, coupon privatisation will not include companies
from the Croatian Danube River region, since those companies should
first be assessed and that will take several months, Kovac said.
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