( Editorial: --> 0234 )
ZAGREB, Jan 17 (Hina) - From January to November 1997, 5.1 million
tourists visited Croatia - 35 per cent more than during the same
period in 1996. According to the Bureau of Statistics there were
30.1 million overnight stays - an increase of 42 per cent.
Of the total number of tourists, there were 3.8 million foreigners -
an increase of 46 per cent. They accounted for 24.6 million
overnight stays, which is 50 per cent more than in the 1996 period.
The largest number of tourists were from Italy - 674,984 or 49 per
cent more. There were 634,789 German visitors, a 44 per cent
increase and 578,708 Czech visitors, 68 per cent more.
German tourists accounted for the most overnight stays - 5.4
million, 45 per cent more than in 1996; Czechs 4.2 million, an
increase of 71 per cent; and Slovenians 3.7 million, 31 per cent
(Hina) mrb
171557 MET jan 98
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