( Editorial: --> 1902 )
ZAGREB, Jan 1 (Hina) - Croatian President Franjo Tudjman and his
wife Ankica on Thursday visited the first born baby in 1998 in
Croatia, at the Zagreb "Sisters of Mercy" hospital for female
disease and maternity. It is a girl whose mother is Slavica Brcic,
of Zagreb.
The baby was born five minutes after the midnight, and is the fourth
child in the Brcic family.
After a conversation with the mother, President Tudjman and his
wife gave a present to her and wished her well in the New Year.
Commenting on this example which the family Brcic set by having four
children, Tudjman said if there were more cases of such families
with a few kids, Croatia did not need to care about its birthrate. He
added that it was not before 1997 when the country managed to record
a small rise in the birth rate. According to him, this is one of the
main national problems, since there were more deaths than births in
Croatia until 1997.
Afterwards, Tudjman toured the maternity and held talks with the
management of the hospital.
At this hospital of Zagreb about 3,000 babies are born yearly.
(hina) mš
011444 MET jan 98
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