SPLIT, Nov 5 (Hina) - Luka Podrug, the leader of the nonparliamentaryCroatian Pure Party of Rights (HCSP) has pressed charges against NenadPuhovski, the author of the documentary "Lora-Testimonies", sayingthat he exerts pressure on
the judiciary regarding the ongoing trialof former eight military policemen accused of committing war crimes inSplit's Lora naval port in the 1990s.
SPLIT, Nov 5 (Hina) - Luka Podrug, the leader of the nonparliamentary
Croatian Pure Party of Rights (HCSP) has pressed charges against Nenad
Puhovski, the author of the documentary "Lora-Testimonies", saying that he
exerts pressure on the judiciary regarding the ongoing trial of former eight
military policemen accused of committing war crimes in Split's Lora naval port
in the 1990s.The municipal State Prosecutor's Office confirmed on Friday that it had
received the charges on 28 October.
The HCSP said in a statement that "everybody is presumed innocent until
proved guilty", and that Puhovski had not respected this principle in the case
of Croatian Defence War veterans.