The club's chairman, Pejo Krnjic was quoted on Thursday by the official gazette of this entity as saying that the entity's parliament endorsed a report on the enforcement of the said act which noted that the provision on the equal representation of the constituent peoples (Croats, Muslims or Bosniaks, and Serbs) in units of local authorities according to the results of the 1991 census was not respected in almost 90 percent of cases.
"This provision has been enforced in Banja Luka to a considerable extent, but in other municipalities local authorities failed to do ensure the representation of the constituent nations, notably Croats," Krnjic told 'Glas Srpske' gazette adding that that's why Croat MPs in the Serb entity's parliament decided to halt the adoption of all other laws until the enforcement of the Local Government Act.
The club of Croats recently vetoed a conclusion of the parliament referring to the adoption of a new census law.
"We disagree with the parliament's motion sent to the Council of Ministers of Bosnia-Herzegovina to prepare the adoption of a census law as Croats would stand poor chances if the Local Government Act should be enforced on the basis of results of a new census," Krnjic explained.